restraining pets in a car SAFETY harness is now law in australia
This harness will last his or her growth period long enough to allow you to purchase a quality long term harness that will size up for later, See down below for the safety quality we recommend for older pups and adults.
Shopping for your new family member is a lot of fun and excitement but it can become very costly so here are some suggestions
Collars; If your care bear is a miniature go for an adjustable collar around smallest adjustment 20 to largest 28cm [8 to 11 inch] If your care bear is medium or large go for 25cm to 32 cm [10 to 13 inch] Leash Any you like is fine But NOT a harness, Harnesses teach puppies to pull this is not good for the dog and unpleasant for you, we use a check chain or check collar [often called a martingale] , we also like gentle halters Gentle leader [Halter] they are very good especially if you have already thought your puppy to pull
TOYS: Pretty much any toy is fine, a cuddly one and a tough chew one but stay away from rubber, vinyl, plastic toys and remember baby puppies can swallow eyes etc just like small children and of course a flexible ball. MAKE SURE BALLS ARE BIGGER THAN THOUGHT Lots of balls can have goodies like cream cheese or treats stuffed in them.
Think about Hanging a toy or two and attach bells high out of reach so when you are not home puppy can play and here the bells tinkle "homemade interactive toys! |
GROOMING: Any shampoo and conditioner is fine I prefer to stay away from ones that have insecticide in them. a Shampoo once a month or two is usually often enough. You will also need a good brush, we recommend Le Pooch purple double head super expensive but lasts years, Groom Master has a good copy too. A comb is essential best is a double sided one with wide tooth and medium tooth. Scissors about 7inch are also a necessity to trim between eyes and fringe see grooming page for more info. The other items in this pic are for later, electric clippers and blades and combs will be needed when your puppy is 6 to 9 months of age. |
Cowboy Magic detangler is a god send when your puppy's coat gets longer It is very expensive but it lasts, just a walnut amount on your palms then rub through a damp coat and dry then brush and comb As they grow bigger you will need a wallnut amount for the front half then back half then middle as well for bigger dogs. |
Crate We have started crate training your puppy and feel it is a must to help your puppy learn good manners by preventing the mistakes in the first place, visit training page these crates also fold down for easy travel.
Size; For your miniature a 24 or 30 inch is fine For your Medium puppy 32 to 34 is fine and for bigger puppies go for a 36inch Ebay has good pricing and apparently Big W |
TRAVEL A travel harness with STRONG rings and clips in a MUST
Start off with a cheap harness Once your puppy is about 12 weeks old his body weight will be too much for a cheap harness therefor he will not be safe if you have an accident. You will be able to have a safety harness fitted that will allow all the grown room your puppy will need.
Start off with a cheap harness Once your puppy is about 12 weeks old his body weight will be too much for a cheap harness therefor he will not be safe if you have an accident. You will be able to have a safety harness fitted that will allow all the grown room your puppy will need.
Super quality strong hardware ideal for all crash tested. Good quality like this will cost $100 to $150 but last indefinitely. Strap in your children strap in your pets.
EASY DOG one of the safest on the market
This style is OK for smaller light weight dogs, it has good chest padding but flimsy clips that could burst open under pressure
Yes they do exist and are very necessary, and not just for snow. Australia is a hot country, our roads and foot paths get extremely hot, Paw boots protect feet from the heat just the same as our shoes, so in Summer get your dog fitted with quality paw boots unlike our shoes they will last many years. |
Equipment for the care of your puppy could cost upwards of $500 in the first year